Celebrating Signa Nu’s Legacy
News From the Clubhouse
Sigma Nu & Sports Management, featuring Lance Basler ‘06
Reuniting Brotherhood
Putting in the Work at Gamma Chi, featuring Andrew Johnson ‘ 05
Sirius James named ROTC All-American Student of the Year!
Pedro Covarrubias elected New Chapter President!
Volunteers Wanted!
Founder’s Day Recap
Thank you, Brother Gordy Richards!
Gamma Chi Facility Updates
The Benefits of Brotherhood, featuring Mark Cairns ‘87
We are Family and a Team, featuring David Shim ‘99
From Sigma Nu to Nintendo, featuring Donald James ‘76
Let’s Stay in Touch!
Three Ways you Can Make a Difference!
Now is the time to Make a Difference!
Thank you for Investing in Gamma Chi
Congratulations Brother Andrew Hengstler ‘19 - receives 2022 Husky 100 Recognition
Celebrating Chef Geri
Philanthropy - Rosie’s Tiny House Village
Save the Date - Founders Day
Stay Connected to Gamma Chi
Help us Keep Chef Geri!
Giving Back to Sigma Nu Is a Simple Recipe
Making a Difference! Gamma Chi Thanks Brother Gordy Richards Jr ‘53
Building a Strong Brotherhood with Brother Ed Chin ‘87
Flying High because of Gamma Chi with Brother Steve Jarvis ‘85
Constructing his own path to Success with Brother Patrick Leewens ‘82
Brian Allen ‘75 reflects on his time as an Active member of Gamma Chi
Weathering the Storm
Sigma Nu Project Updates - Kitchen, Bathroom, Sleeping Porch & Front Entry
How you can Support Gamma Chi
Business Guru Brother Gary Shansby ‘57 Mastered Focus at Sigma Nu
Building Lifelong Bonds - Brother Paul Ellingson ‘66 reflects on his time with Sigma Nu
Growth at Gamma Chi leads to Successful Career for Brother Tom Merry ‘99
Recruitment Report
Staying True to Sigma Nu
Give Back to Gamma Chi - by Jay Cascio ‘79
Brother Dee McGonigle ‘80 cherishes Gamma Chi Lessons, Brotherhood
Thank you Brothers of Gamma Chi
Alumni Involvement Equals Success
Alumni Advisory Board Supports Undergraduates
Successful Fall for Gamma Chi
Yearlong Recruitment Underway!
Gamma Chi Garners Greek Week Awards
Library Remodel
Nothing but good Vibes at Gamma Chi!
Alumni Reunion Plans
Thank you Brothers for Supporting Sigma Nu
Building Bonds through Brotherhood - Bruce Kroon ‘81 Relishes Relationships with Gamma Chi Brothers
Welcome to the Brotherhood!
Gamma Chi Clubhouse Maintains Financial Stability
Gamma Chi’s Advisory Board is Strong - Brothers Encouraged to get Involved
Gamma Chi Clubhouse Establishes Chapter Facility Priorities - Library & Kitchen updates planned
Clubhouse and Chapter Debt Free
Active Chapter Gives Back
Alumni Updates
The Heart of our Kitchen - Celebrating Gamma Chi’s Beloved Chef Geri
Sigma Nu
UW Gamma Chi Chapter - established 1896!