Volunteer Opportunities
Your support, no matter the size, can make a significant difference to our fraternity! We are seeking volunteers to help shape the future of Sigma Nu – Gamma Chi, and we invite you to get involved and make an impact today.
Your involvement with one of the 3 entities below, or with the Alumni as a whole, can contribute to the growth and success of our fraternity:
Alumni Advisory Board - Provide guidance and support to Chapter House members, utilizing your diverse experiences and unique perspectives.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Big Brother Network Advisors: Mentor Sigma Nu Actives through a mentoring program, providing personal and professional growth opportunities. Time commitment: 1-3 hours per month.
Big Brother Network Coordinator: Utilize your networking and LinkedIn skills to manage and guide this exciting initiative. Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month.
Mentors: Help kickstart members' careers by speaking at career days, offering internships, or providing employment opportunities. Time commitment: 1-3 hours per month.
Chapter Advisors: Work alongside current Actives, helping them navigate their Sigma Nu experience. Time commitment: 2-4 hours per month.
Alumni Association - Foster lifelong engagement among alumni, promoting personal and professional growth, philanthropy, and service to the fraternity community.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Vice President: Oversee the operation of the entire alumni association, focusing on expanding connections and engagement, increasing chapter enrollment, and driving long-term vision. Time commitment: 3-4 hours per month.
Treasurer: Manage finances, including budgeting and record-keeping, ensuring compliance with regulations. Time commitment: about 1 hour per month.
Gamma Chi Clubhouse - Preserve our historical building and create a welcoming space for future generations of Sigma Nu members.
Volunteer Opportunity:
Vice President: Assist in overseeing clubhouse operations, including increasing chapter enrollment, managing ongoing updates, and driving long-term vision. Time commitment: 3-4 hours per month.
Additionally, we have openings for alumni interested in helping with the Alumni as a whole:
Communications Coordinator: Help grow chapter membership and increase alumni engagement through marketing and social media. Ideal for alumni who graduated after 2000. Time commitment: 6-8 hours per month.
Alumni Event Coordinators: Plan, organize, and execute engaging events to connect alumni. Time commitment: minimal, with more prior to the event date.
Your volunteer support is invaluable, and we appreciate any contribution you can make to Sigma Nu – Gamma Chi. To express your interest or learn more about these positions, please send us a message. Let's work together to ensure the continued success and growth of our fraternity!